Peisaje superbe din Maramures

Biserica-din-deal-Coroieni-i-love-Maramures 5

Biserica-din-deal-Coroieni-i-love-Maramures 5

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One Response to Biserica-din-deal-Coroieni-i-love-Maramures 5

  1. Mungga says:

    BeautyfulI believe it’s poslbise to take pictures inspired on your images here in Brazil’s northeast! It is not about misery or poverty. The dignity of a smile, like your’s Yousef (other post) shows a good life, and teach us how miserable is our sickness for urban luxuous and superficial life. Ask ourselves: Ca we go on whethe losing everything we have? Answer should be: yes, we Can. So, don’t blame fate.Lovely photos.Marcos

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